
britrail london plus pass

FAQ – Can I travel on Airport Express trains with a BritRail Pass?

Yes, you can travel on Airport Express trains with a BritRail Pass.  As a BritRail Pass provides access to all trains on Great Britain’s National Rail Network, this also includes access to Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Express trains – the quickest way from London’s airports to central London.         Which BritRail Passes...
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London 2012 Games

Tickets on sale March 15 With less than 18 months to go until the London 2012 Games, excitement is building, especially as tickets go on sale March 15, 2011. The London 2012 Games are to be held next summer from July 27 to August 12, covering 19 days of competition across 26 sports, and featuring...
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Short UK Trips Worthy of a Rail Pass

If you plan on stopping in the UK for a quick visit, you may be surprised to know that BritRail offers rail passes with short validities, including just 2 or 3 days. Take two of BritRail’s regional passes for example: the London Plus Pass and the Central Scotland Pass.  The BritRail London Plus Pass begins...
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FAQ – I’d like to visit a few cities in England. Can you please help me decide if a BritRail England Pass or BritRail London Plus Pass is my best choice?

The best way to choose your pass is to plan your itinerary, by making a list of the cities you want to visit, then use BritRail’s Trip Planner to see the corresponding rail pass depending on the cities you’ve entered.  The following short YouTube video is a great introduction to BritRail’s Trip Planner
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