Yes, you can travel on Airport Express trains with a BritRail Pass. As a BritRail Pass provides access to all trains on Great Britain’s National Rail Network, this also includes access to Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Express trains – the quickest way from London’s airports to central London. Which BritRail Passes...Read More
Seating and amenities make for a comfortable journey If it’s your first time traveling on UK trains then you’ll be happy to hear that the seats are comfortable and many trains have extra amenities. On our recent trip around England, Scotland and Wales, we experienced firsthand the joys of traveling on board BritRail. Here’s what...Read More
The quest for England’s best cheese By Matthew Wexler I am a New Yorker, and by definition (as much as I hate to admit it), I am occasionally afflicted with the “Me First, Out of My Way” syndrome. This usually involves eye-rolling and raging heart palpitations. Train travel in the United States provokes this behavior...Read More
What would you do with 5 Eurail Passes & $5000? Enter for your chance to win! Tell us: what 5 things you would do with 5 Eurail Global Flexi Passes and $5000? Imagine the possibilities…these Eurail Global Flexi Passes are valid for travel throughout 22 European countries, with 15 flexi days of travel within 2...Read More
E-tickets now available for all domestic rail routes Planning a trip to Spain this summer? Travelers will be happy to know that booking transportation around this vibrant country just got easier as ACP Rail International now offers domestic train routes as e-tickets. Spain’s popular train routes are numerous, whether it’s travel aboard the high speed...Read More
5 Days for the price of 4 or 10 days for the price of 8 This summer, Germany hosts the 2011 FIFA Women´s World Cup from June 26th to July 17th. To celebrate this occasion German Rail is offering its 5 day pass for the price of 4 or 10 day pass for the price...Read More
Journey through Australia’s Outback Imagine stepping aboard one of the world’s great train journeys: The Ghan. Traveling from Darwin to Adelaide (or vice versa), via Alice Springs you have the opportunity to see Australia’s tropical Top End and Red Centre, all with spectacular views of the passing landscapes from the comfort of your seat. The...Read More
Travel throughout the United States With 46 states and over 500 destinations, the options are endless when traveling on Amtrak’s rail network. It’s hard to know where to begin so here are just a few favourite American train routes you could enjoy with Amtrak’s USA Rail Pass: The Coast Starlight: Seattle – Portland – Los...Read More
May 27, as I was commenting to a UK resident that there is just so much to do in London, he shared this great quote with me; ‘When you are tired of London then you are tired of life’ (Samuel Johnson). So no matter if you have a day or a week in London, you’ll...Read More
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