BritRail Free Day Promotion


On select BritRail Passes purchased between August 1st and September 18th, 2015

BritRail’s Free Day Promotion adds even more value to BritRail Passes, BritRail England Passes and BritRail South West Passes purchased between August 1 and September 18, 2015.

Timed to coincide with the upcoming Rugby World Cup to be held in Britain, this is a great way for visitors to explore the 11 host cities across England, as well as, Cardiff. Participating host cities are all accessible by rail so a BritRail Pass is ideal for visitors to get around to the likes of Birmingham, Brighton, Exeter, Gloucester, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, London and beyond.

Promotional period: August 1 – September 18, 2015
Promotional products: BritRail Pass, BritRail England Pass and BritRail South West Pass
Applicable fares: Adult, Senior, Child, Free Child, Youth and Saver discounts
More info: All qualifying BritRail Passes will have an extra day added on a separate coupon

*Offer only applies to BritRail Passes, BritRail England Passes and BritRail South West Passes purchased during the promotional period and cannot be applied to previous purchases.

5 Responses
  1. katesmith37067

    Was hoping BritRail would have this promotion again this year. Held off buying a ticket due to last years announcement time for the free day promotion. It has paid off!! This year the timing was much better and I will order our tickets sooner than I had planned.

  2. Kent Handel

    The wife and I are a bit choked about this promo. We are traveling from Canada specifically to watch a few of the World Cup games and see some of England. We fly into Gatwick on September 17 and head directly for Cardiff to catch the Canada-Ireland match and this promo would have worked perfectly with our Britrail England pass, which we purchased a month ago. Don’t know why this deal wouldn’t be available to anybody traveling to England who can provide proof of purchase to the games

    1. Brian

      I agree. I bought my Brit Rail Pass for the Rugby World Cup just before the end of July, with no idea that this promotion would come up. I did not see any indication of it on the website when I bought the ticket.

  3. Jeff

    Amy idea if the Britrail free day will be offered this summer? It seems with the weak pound it’s now cheaper to buy single tix rather than this pass, and therefore they should offer the free day incentive earlier.

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