Save up to 20% off BritRail Passes

Great value on autumn and winter travel

Now’s the time to appreciate low season travel to Britain, where you can avoid the summer crowds and enjoy great savings! Explore England, Scotland and Wales this November, December, January or February and save up to 20% off BritRail’s most popular passes.

Take the classic BritRail Pass: for just $159 USD get 3 consecutive days of unlimited train travel in standard class. That’s $53 a day to have the freedom to travel on as many trains as you wish to your choice of destinations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. And for those travelers whose focus falls on England, the BritRail England Pass is a great fit. Also offered with the low season discount, get a 3 day BritRail England Consecutive Pass for $129 USD in standard class and enjoy unlimited rail travel throughout England.

BritRail Passes and BritRail England Passes are offered in a wide range of validities, including Flexi Passes for a period of 3, 4, 8 or 15 travel days to be used within 2 months or Consecutive Passes for a period of 3, 4, 8, 15, 22 days or 1 month of travel. You can also choose a first or standard class BritRail pass, where first class offers benefits on select trains such as free Wi-Fi, more spacious seating, at seat meal service, free newspapers and complimentary tea and biscuits.

Pass holders are always pleased to discover that a BritRail Pass really does cover it all; it includes travel on all trains throughout Great Britain’s National Rail network! Hop on and off trains at your leisure, without being restricted to a specific seat on a specific train, and keep to a flexible schedule all your own. A BritRail Pass even covers travel on Airport Express trains, the most convenient way to skip traffic from Heathrow Airport, Gatwick Airport and Stansted Airport to central London.

Take advantage of BritRail’s Low Season Discount when booking a BritRail Pass or BritRail England Pass between September 1st, 2012 and February 15th, 2013 for travel in November, December, January or February.


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