Enter our train travel photo contest
Last we checked the photo that’s currently leading with the most likes, had 248 likes, so if you have a train travel picture and just as many loving friends then post your picture on ACP Rail’s Facebook page for a chance to win a pair of rail passes!
How to enter:
- Step 1: Visit ACP Rail’s Facebook page
- Step 2: Upload your photo
- Step 3: ‘Like’ your favourite photo
- Step 4: Ask your friends to ‘Like’ your photo to increase your chance of winning J
No limitations…your picture can be of any train, in any country – on board, a scenic view, or of the train itself – an inspiring picture, a beautiful picture, or a funny picture…post whatever train travel picture you think will be most appreciated by fellow travelers because for this contest you decide the winner! The photo that has the most ‘Likes’ on ACP Rail’s Facebook page will win.
Grand Prize:
The Winner can select his/her preferred rail holiday destination prize:
- Europe – Two First Class 10-day Eurail Global Flexi Passes, approximate saver value of $1468 USD or
- United Kingdom – Two First Class 8-day BritRail Flexi Passes, approximate value of $1238 USD.
Thank you for participating!
Contest ends March 18th, 2011.